Sunshine Coast Upcoming events...
An outdoor community for women in their 20's and 30's. Make new friends and be adventurous !!
Pick your adventure below and meet your new adventure bestie !!
Kayak With Dolphins
Electric Mountain Biking
Kayak Noosa Everglades
**NEW** Free Diving Course
Snorkel with Turtles
Tandem Paragliding
Rock Climbing
Surfing Lessons
Stand up Paddle Boarding
Horse Riding
**NEW** Swim with Whales
What happens if the weather is not suitable for an event?
The company running the event will contact you if they feel the event is not suitable with the conditions. They will offer to book you in for another Brave Babes exclusive event coming up.
Who can attend Brave Babes Events?
Anyone that is female or identifies as female aged between 19 - 39yrs old. We find there are a lot of benefits for this as people are more likely to be at similar life stages and foster deeper connections
Will Kate and Sophie be at all the events?
No, but we do try to come to as many as we can. The adventures are all about being yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone as much as you wish.
Where do I meet for each adventure ?
Once you book in, be sure to keep an eye on your emails as the companies that run the adventures will be sending all this information to you.
How can I keep in contact with the girls after the adventure ?
We create a "Whats App" chat for each adventure. (Keep an eye on your emails) Feel free to also share photos and videos with each other via this chat.